Zentangle-inspired designs are turning up everywhere—on prints, paintings, greeting cards, crafts, and fashion. But it’s not just for professional artists—anyone can learn to draw using the easy-to-learn Zentangle method. Even if you have never considered yourself an “artist” you can create beautiful, original art with Zentangle! Inside this book readers will find an introduction to Zentangle basics; step-by-step practice tangle patterns; advanced techniques for shading and coloring; creative Zentangle-inspired project ideas; and a gallery of inspiring Zentangle artwork; plus templates, strings, stencils, alphabets, Zendalas, and more. Zentangle can be a satisfying, healthy stress-management activity, with many of the positive effects of mindful meditation. It can even benefit children with developmental disabilities by helping them to lead full and successful lives. But the benefits of Zentangle are not limited to those affected by a specific condition or disorder. Acquiring a sense of peace and calm is a life skill that can benefit everyone.