Infused with a magical aura, the pieces allow your pet's personality to shine.
This stylish Pet Bed from our Pet Collection is perfect for your cat or dog. Production Time 10-12 days; Shipped/Produced in HK. Crafted from cozy fabric, the bed offers a comfortable spot for your furry friends, while continuing the narrative of surprise and delight.
Size: 65X45X35CM
This stylish Pet Bed from our Pet Collection is perfect for your cat or dog.
Size: 65X45X35CM
Production Time: 2-3 weeks. Shipping methods can't be chosen. Shipping method takes around 2-4 weeks. No returns or refunds are available for this order. Variations may occur as each item is meticulously crafted by hand.
Shipped/Produced in HK. Crafted from cozy fabric, the bed offers a comfortable spot for your furry friends, while continuing the narrative of surprise and delight.