The Irish Water Spaniel’s curly liver locks and distinctive topknot have won the breed admirers on both sides of the pond, not the least of whom is author and longtime breeder Marion Hopkins, regarded as the IWS authority in America. Regarded as a superb family companion and an enduring and proficient field worker, the Irish Water Spaniel is a hardy, resilient retriever and an obedient and biddable companion that enjoys athletic activities with his owner?on land and water. Written with wit, wisdom, and no small heaping of common sense, this Comprehensive Owner’s Guide details the breed’s history in its homeland as well as in England and the United States. The text is illustrated by beautiful color photographs by IWS breeder and photographer Tara Darling, making this book as attractive as it is authoritative. A true fan of this charming Irish breed, the author shares her many years of experience with IWSs in her insightful chapter about the breed’s characteristics. As evidenced in the Hopkins’s special stories and Darling’s photographs, the IWS is a true canine clown, blessed with a real Irish sense of humor, that endears himself to all those who win a place in his inner circle.New owners will welcome the well-prepared chapter on finding a reputable breeder and selecting a healthy, sound puppy. Chapters on puppy-proofing the home and yard, purchasing the right supplies for the puppy as well as house-training, feeding, and grooming are illustrated with photographs of handsome adults and puppies. In all, there are over 135 full-color photographs in this useful and reliable volume. The author’s advice on obedience training will help the reader better mold and train into the most well-mannered dog in the neighborhood. The extensive and lavishly illustrated chapter on healthcare provides up-to-date detailed information on selecting a qualified veterinarian, vaccinations, preventing and dealing with parasites, infectious diseases, and more. Sidebars throughout the text offer helpful hints, covering topics as diverse as historical dogs, breeders, or kennels, toxic plants, first aid, crate training, carsickness, fussy eaters, and parasite control. Fully indexed.